We're Currently Raising Money for a 2019 Texas State Tour!
If you are interested in theatre and becoming part of the producing team for this highly anticipated production please, don't hesitate to connect with us and we will forward information to you for you to examine this first of its kind investment theatrical opportunity in Texas!

A Play that creates the intersection between Faith & Art
Portraying the Gospel of Mark through the eyes of a Street Artist

* Original Video Ad used to announce the performance at the Sheen Center in October 2017.
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a solo performance
performed and adapted for the stage by Jesuit Catholic Priest, George Drance

A new work that brings the Gospel front and center onto a live theatre stage via a Texas State Tour to houses of worship throughout the state.
George's tour de force performance has been seen on secular stages throughout New York City to fantastic acclaim.
Underscored by Broadway composer, Liz Swados' music
Street art culture today is a little bit of an underground movement, so George tells the Gospel story under the guise of a street artist
The play "allows you to have a little bit of a sense of the 'underground' nature of what Christianity was in the first century"
Ultimately, the play is meant to capture the original urgency of the Gospel's words